

Sort Your Stuff! -The KTG plan.

By |2013-01-18T14:57:25+00:00January 18th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

  Do you ever feel overwhelmed or trapped by the clutter in your life? Living amongst disorder or being surrounded by "things" that eat up your space can have an ill-effect on your health. To help you deal with disorganization habits that are harming you, I developed a GO-SO action plan. After identifying the different categories [...]

GO-SO and live your best life!

By |2013-01-15T21:58:56+00:00January 15th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Get Organised-Stay Organised and live your best life! Whether at home or at work, productivity experts say that the best way to stay ahead of your game is to get organized and stay organized. In a world where technology is buzzing and life is speeding up, struggling to keep up with the pace of happenings could [...]

THE ART OF GTD (Getting Things Done).

By |2013-01-11T23:27:28+00:00January 11th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

JessylsCharm is not only concerned about fixing your physical space but also about helping you work out all the other spaces of your life and work. Your time space, your financial space, your emotional space, etc. Disorganisation can make a person feel overwhelmed, confused, depressed, wearied, etc. The first step to orgnising your life is by organising [...]

Ladies! It’s time to build a better life!!

By |2013-01-11T17:21:59+00:00January 11th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Have you ever had one of those days when you were 20 mminutes late for a church service or function, just because you woke up that morning 30 minutes later,because you went to bed 40 minutes later, because you were busy trying to sort out what to dress up in to church/function, or you were wearied [...]

Jesmine’s EN-DO organising analysis.

By |2013-01-09T05:22:00+00:00January 9th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

The priorotising analysis was created to help individuals categorise their possessions according to their order of importance to easily enable them decide what should primarily or secondarily take up the spaces in their lives. It helps individuals define what they should really have ownership and control of. The analysis is designed to psychologically assist an individual in making [...]

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