Jesmine’s EN-DO organising analysis.

//Jesmine’s EN-DO organising analysis.

Jesmine’s EN-DO organising analysis.

The priorotising analysis was created to help individuals categorise their possessions according to their order of importance to easily enable them decide what should primarily or secondarily take up the spaces in their lives. It helps individuals define what they should really have ownership and control of. The analysis is designed to psychologically assist an individual in making helpful decisions when purchasing or acquiring any form of property.This analysis should be considered and applied before the use of the actual organising processses.

The EN-DO analysis of prioritising

  • Essential: the basic, indispensable, vital items in a person’s possession. The things he cannot live without. They can be categorised into shelter, clothing, food, security etc.
  • Needful: the necessary ,required, useful items in a person’s possession. The things he cannot operate without. They can be categorised into work/business tools and equipment, mobility devices etc.
  • Desired: sentimentally attached to, loved, craved, coveted. These can be called “wants”. A person can live without them but just desires them.
  • Others: inherited items, gifts, antiques etc. the items that seem to have a special value because of who passed it down, its origin, age, artistry, or beauty.

The items or properties owned by every person can be categorised as mentioned above. I call the first two, the must-haves and the last two, the may-haves.

Users of the EN-DO analysis of prioritising will find reasons to live a simple and orderly life.

With the application of the EN-DO analysis and the use of the step-by-step organsing processes that will be discussed subsequently, having a simple and organised life will no longer be a luxury.

JessylsCharm as the No1 organising company in Nigeria has as one of its aims, helping individuals  imbibe a culture of being organised. Organised individuals will bring about an organised system and ultimately an organised society.

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“Orderliness is the core attribute of an excellent spirit”- Jesmine

By |2013-01-09T05:22:00+00:00January 9th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Chika January 18, 2013 at 10:28 pm - Reply

    Brilliant piece! Educative, inciting, inspirational and spot-on. An organised life is a more productive life.

    Thanks, Jesmine for this revelation.

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