I found the secret!

//I found the secret!

I found the secret!

After seeing a documentary called “THE SECRET”, I decided to redirect my life and put things in perspective. I definitely knew that I personally had to re-define and re-design my own goals. I came up with the LIFE-goals plan and it has since kept things in perspective for me. As long as I keep up with the plan, I am certain that achieving my full potentials would not be ‘rocket science’ anymore.

  • Organise your thoughts and emotions: Our productivity is directly proportional to our ‘relaxability’ and our ability to relax is majorly dependent on our state of mind. The mind is the place where our thoughts are manufactured and our thoughts then translate to our emotions. We may lack super control over our emotions but we can rule our thoughts. As an emotional person, I constantly endeavour to put my feelings in intense scrutiny. I always pray to stay positive even when crowded with negativity. When we are able to organize our thoughts, our minds are clear, our lives are organised and then we can fully unleash our potentials and achieve effectiveness.

This helps you deal with confusion and frustration

  • Organise your goals: To work on your space and build a better life, you must set for yourself LIFE goals and systems that help you stay in tune with those goals. I first designed the LIFE– goal application for myself and amazingly, it is working for me, I hope it does for you too.
  • L– Liberty goals: I call this the play-opportunity goals. In every adult, there is still a child that needs to be given permission to play sometimes. Setting liberty goals allow us allocate time to relax, play and do the fun things we dream about. Liberty goals help us stay rejuvenated.
  • I– Influence goals: You must first determine what influence goals you want to accomplish based on what you do, whether in business, career or ministry. Influence goals help us work towards our ability to bring about a result in ourselves and others. It helps us devote a certain amount of time periodically to accomplishing those desires that will produce effectiveness. This goal can be measured by our level of effectiveness, whether in a smaller community or in the larger society.
  • F– Finance goals: Planned management of money and assets. This covers our plans on how much we want to earn and want to spend. What you earn can be a derivative of how much effort you put into achieving your influence goals. How much to spend is as important. You must map out a plan of how to handle your out-going finances, how much to spend on personal maintenance/development, how much to save/invest, what goes to church/charity and so on.
  • E– Enthusiasm goals: Interests or activities that can be broken down into personal development goals, spiritual development goals and relationship goals are enthusiasm goals simply because these aspects help us renew our strength, revive our spirits and keep our passions alive. Whether it is planning time for fellowship with God, spending quality time with family/friends, getting a degree, etc, you must set achievable goals.

Often, people measure growth by money and they end up not feeling fulfilled. If we must build better lives, we must understand that every single aspect of the LIFE-goals plan is important and therefore should be given adequate attention.

“Use the LIFE-goals to build yourself a better life”- Jesmine.

Featured Image Source: Google

By |2013-01-22T22:31:11+00:00January 22nd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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